Kelly Fox is a Family Nurse Practitioner with 24 years of experience in family medicine, integrative and functional medicine, hormone replacement therapy, and preventive medicine. She has practiced all over the DFW metroplex but has been in the Denton area in recent years. She is a member of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners and has taken many classes and attended many conferences relating to Integrative and Functional Medicine over the last 14 years.
Kelly attended the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater for her Bachelors in Sociology and Business, then went on to Texas Woman’s University to get her Bachelors in Nursing and Master’s degree in the Family Nurse Practitioner Program.
Kelly has always had a passion for preventive medicine using dietary changes, exercise, supplements, and stress management techniques to help her patients achieve their healthcare goals. She believes the body has an innate power to heal when given the right tools and environment to do so and working with the amazing Chiropractors and Neurologists at Parker Performance Institute matches her vision of an ideal setting to help our patients achieve their goals through our integrative approach to each patient.
Kelly spends her days off engaging in the outdoors with her family, riding her horse, hiking and socializing with friends. She is passionate about helping others and helping people realize their potential!