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Nicky Kirk

Dr. Nicky Kirk
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Dr Kirk is a chiropractic sports physician who has worked internationally with top performers from a variety of disciplines. He has been a clinician for 20 years with a special focus on performance and rehabilitation. In addition to his clinical work, he has been engaged in education for the past 5 years as an assistant professor at Parker University supervising chiropractic interns and adjunct professor instructing at post graduate degree programs including Advanced Strength and Conditioning, Cardiovascular Health and Exercise and Health.

He has provided sports medicine services to both professional athletes and high-level organizations. In addition to his consultancy work, he was also regional assessor for the Gatorade Sports Science Institute Latin America and Caribbean.

Dr. Kirk is currently a clinical specialist at Parker Performance Institute and lead clinician on the Human Performance program at Parker University. Dr. Kirk received his bachelor’s degrees from Dundee University in Science and Physiological Science. He received his Master of Science in Chiropractic from the University of Surry as well as a Post Graduate Degree in Sports Medicine from the University of South Wales. Dr. Kirk also holds a Master’s Degree in Clinical Neuroscience from Parker University.

He continues to be engaged in clinical research, teaching and consultancy with a special focus on soccer, and the application of recovery modalities. Sport and performance will always be a large part of his life, with two young boys who are obsessed with hockey and a wife who runs everything in their lives to make sure we stay happy, healthy and together.

Years of experience
Balance of brain & body
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Patients reclaimed life
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